
The Commons is a worker-owned cooperative. We take an organic, modular and collaborative approach to just about everything we do. We take this very seriously. Everything is relational. "Things" coexist. So, we take a structure that works and apply it to community approaches, for mutual benefit. It's a model all public, seed, worker and partner members use. The Commons Cooperative Company is just that.

6 articles
Two-year ecosystem development plan

Two-year ecosystem development plan

The classic (if overused) metaphor of a three-legged stool is useful for a stuctural snapshot of The Commons. Our media builds our local, climate-centered knowledge base. And our infrastructure and governance, as a cooperative, extends these media, knowledge and infrastructure benefits to members.

An integrated model of local tech, media and purpose

An integrated model of local tech, media and purpose

The cooperative model, code base, and media resources of The Commons are all modular. They will be adapted to meet the needs of our and other communities. Our framework for local climate knowledge development fosters informed local cooperative action in our coastal communities and beyond.

A climate-media and technology cooperative

A climate-media and technology cooperative

The Commons is as a worker-owned cooperative focused on local media and tech. Our structure enables direct community involvement in developing and maintaining knowledge resources for local climate responsiveness. It also enables members to dream up and even spinoff great media-tech tools.

Local cooperatives work: How The Coop fits together

Local cooperatives work: How The Coop fits together

We are creating a local tech-media business and a public benefit coop that will be led by youth. Through it, we propose no less than to transform the ways we interact with climate, media and information. Moreover, The Commons will be an open community media partner. This is big.

Climate media guild

Climate media guild

The decaying log acts as a "nurse log," providing nutrients, moisture retention, and a growth medium for the surrounding plants. The fern likely provides shade and helps maintain humidity for smaller plants and moss. The moss and smaller plants help retain soil and moisture around the log.

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