
We're public benefit cooperative made up of three parts — our coop governance, our member supported climate medium, thecommons.ai, and our local climate language model-builder called Habitat. We will broaden and deepen an interconnected understanding of local climate to help us all respond well.

Coastal wetland in brackish Katama tidal zone, 2006, William Waterway.

Although The Commons has been piecing together the idea, the code and focus for 20 months, it is only now seeing the light of day — it's a startup.

The base idea is this: establish a tech-media initiative that will have lasting impact on local social, cultural and environmental life. Our tech-media lens is climate and climate change. We condense that long (social, cultural and environmental life) phrase into "climate-life." As an cooperative we believe Climate ≈ Life — climate more or less equals life. So, the nutshell is:

The Commons is a local tech-media cooperative that will have lasting impact on climate-life.

The cooperative's goal, different from specific media or tech initiatives, is over 7 years to transfer leadership to Island young people. We want to create a lasting, local-led public-benefit, media-tech foothold on Martha's Vineyard.

[More content to come.]

The Founder(s)

The Commons was founded and developed by Patrick Phillips. It is anticipated The Commons will have several founders. We are just beginning. You can contact Patrick at coop@thecommons.ai.

Contact Us



Mailing address:
The Commons Cooperative
PO Box 319 Edgartown MA 02539

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